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How to Choose Paint Colors?


There is no simple way the get the right answer to the question. Since Picking and finding a suitable paint color for a room is quite challenging somehow. You feel overwhelmed with many color paintings and you do not know where to begin.

You will learn -in this article- the best tips and main advice about how to choose the right paint colors for your interior design, in particular, living room. 

First of all, let's discuss the essential concepts of paints types, color psychology, how do you pick the right paint color and the new colors for the living room. 

Which Paints Type You Should Choose?

Paints include a wide variety of sheens, oil, and latex. Latex paint: is the most common and preferred type, because of the easiness of cleaning and lasting durability.

On the other hand, oil paints are used for priming wood molding. It takes a long time to dry than latex. It also tends to seal stains and knots from the wood better than a latex paint wood.

Color Psychology:

It usually includes warm color and cool color tones. Both of these color types indicate a specific item.

  Warm Tones Colors:

 They include red, yellow and oranges. They evoke the warmth because they remind you of things like sunlight and heat.

Cool Colors Tones:

Colors such as: blue, green and purple. They evoke cool feeling because they remind you of things like water, or grass and sky.

You have basic knowledge and command of color psychology now. So, you should use your command in choosing the right color paints.

Here are some tips and ideas about how to choose the right paint colors?

· Decide the area or room you want to paint. Since, living room, bedroom, kitchen, and dining rooms have different usage and furniture. 
· Measure the room you want to paint to know the paints needs for this space. 
· Consider the room furnishing. Does your paint color compliment them? 
· Checkout Trends

There are several resources available for color trends every year, as a magazine, the website writes a professional article about color trend.

On the other hand, picking the right color paint of the living room is somehow time-consuming. Where it is the space and area you spend most of your time. Your choice has a huge impact on the ambiance you want to create.

Useful tips and best practices for choosing paint for your living room

1. Write down on blank paper all your living room furniture, wall arts, sofa, and tables. The paint should complement existing décor. 
2. Decide the ambiance that you want to create.
· Think of an idea and need you want to create. 
Ambiance: indicates to the general atmosphere of an environment. 
· Decide the role of the living room plays in your life. Is this for relaxation, quest the visitors or entertainment place? 

 Ask Yourself the Following Questions?
•What time do I want to use the living room?
•Do I want to allow the sunlight to goes through your room? 

3. Ask the professional interior design about the current paint color trend in 2019.

4. Take advantage of the natural light:

 There are sorts of combinations of color dedicated to for interior and sunny spaces.
•Bright tones color, like a sapphire blue or emerald green, look great in the sun.

•Dark earthy shades color only work in spaces with a lot of natural light, since the light prevents the living room from looking too dark.

•Keep in mind that if you put up wallpaper in a room with lots of natural light, it will fade you living room over time.

What is the Best Color for a Living Room?

For perfect effect: excellent soft tones of a white color that has some yellow or grey in it, blue and green. You should remember that brighter rooms look bigger and more attractive.


 Picking a gray color helps you to make your living room feel more spacious.


 It is the color of harmony and renewal. Because it expresses the hues of the natural world. it's one of the best paint colors for living rooms. Green can be fresh and obvious at the same time; it's the perfect alternative for those who find neutrals too boring.


     A blue living room has a calming, and stabilizing effect on your home. There are many attractive shades of blue, and they all go well with neutrals like brown and cream. If your living room has hardwood floors, blue is an especially stylish choice.


A beige living room is essential for a decorator who loves the minimalist look. Subtle beige walls set the scene for this stunning, classy effect. Beige is one of the living room colors that people return to again and again.

•Black, white, and powder blue: 

Of course, the classic combination of black and white has been one of the most continual living room color schemes through the ages. You can give it a refreshing sense by adding a rich powder blue shade to the mix.


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اين تجد الجواب لمعظم الاسئلة؟

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